Um páskana

Howdy howdy and happy easter to everyone!
It´s a great sunny day today and I am stuck in the computer lab at the university trying to write an essay. Whooh, where did the motivation disappear?! Well, a couple of more days to go before our trip. We will leave on sunday and drive around the island. The ring road that goes around the country is about 1400 km (900 miles) and we have planned to take it quite easy and drive the distance in 6 days. That way there is enough time to stop whatever place that seems interesting. In the map you can see the places where we will stay overnight: in Stykkisholmur, Brú, Akureyri, Egilsstadir (nearby) and in Skaftafell (nearby). Will post pics after we get home.
I am still trying to figure out wheter to stay here or go to Finland for the summer. The job hunt hasn't gone too well from here, especially when there aren't too many places to apply for in my home town in Finland. Here, on the other hand, it should be quite easy to find something, with the toursit season coming up and all. We´ll see..
Ok. Better get going now.
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